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Learn Modi Script 1.3
Modi script was invented as acursive“shorthand” or speed writing to note down the royal edicts.Overthe centuries, the Modi script has evolved and can beclassified as: Bahamani (16th century), Shivkalin (17th century),Peshwekalin(18th century) and Anglakalin (19th -20th century).Traditional Devanagari script was found to beexcessivelytime-consuming, since each character required as many as3 to 5strokes and the lifting of the hand, each time the strokewascompleted. Modi script got round this obstacle by “bending”theletters thereby doing away with the need of lifting the hand.Thisinvention thus allowed for a continuous writing which could beusedby court scribes to note the edicts. All official documents oftheMaratha empire spread across India are archived in Modiscript.Learning Modi script is useful to Academicians,Historians,Researchers and Legal experts and also for knowing moreaboutcultural & heritage preservation.We aim to create awareness, increase proliferation, helpinpreservation of Modi Script and generate interest in anewgeneration of users; thereby reviving this heritage scriptandplacing it on the digital platform.Features:« Get familiar with basic characters« Learn how to write basic Aksharas« Identify and distinguish similar looking characters« Games to learn Modi script« Conjunct writing, learn counting system
Learn Modi-Script 1.0
"मोडीलिपी शिका" - Learn Modi Script
PAMS 1.7
The main objective of PAMS Android Application is topromotetechnological & industrial progress throughout thecountry andstrengthen the national economy. To serve, help andsmoothen theprogress of owners of intellectual property andcultivates ties ofreciprocated friendship and understanding amongthe domain/legalexperts who are practicing in the field ofintellectual andindustrial property law. This application will helpin thedevelopment & protection of Intellectual Property RightsinIndia. To enhance the knowledge and understanding of the“commonman” about the IPR issues and also about the economic andsocialharm associated with its infringement. And above all, tocraft asociety where intellectual property would be valuedandsafeguarded. This application offers following services : 1.IPRNews Alerts - User will get latest notifications about IPR newsandupdates. 2. IPR Events Alerts - User will get latestnotificationsabout IPR events and updates. 3. IPR related Query -User can askfor basic queries related to Intellectual PropertyRights(IPR). 4.Patent Alerts - When a patent application ispublished in either ofthe identified IPC classes then an alert issent to the registeredmembers on the portal through mail. The usercan select from thefour categories of the ICT sector, the patentsof which he/shewants to receive as a part of the service. (i)Telecommunications(ii) Consumer Electronics (iii) Computers, officemachinery (iv)Other ICT 5. IP Panorama - Tutorial Videos about IPRTerminologies.